I was born in the Netherlands in 1972, I am a mix : half French, half Dutch.
I am now living in France.
For more than 15 years I worked with passion as an early childhood educator, until 2016.
I never really fitted in what the society expected from me.
Then in 2016 after some serious health issues , I listened finally to my soul/body/spirit and I answered the call.
And so began my apprenticeship in the healing arts.
I trained in Reiki, then in bioenergy, geobiology and today I practice intuitively with the help of my invisible team.
I guide you to discover your infinite potentials and abilities, I help you to release your blockages, to find your life missions and life purpose, your specific gifts. I help you decode your origins, your history on earth and elsewhere. Discovering where we come from, who we really are, what is our origin and our galactic history, our mission on Earth as Starseed/Starseed, that's my passion!
Much of my understanding of the healing process comes from years of personal inner work, the alchemy of my being.
This is why I would like, with all my Heart and with all my soul, to share my incredible experiences and my abilities that I have developed during this fascinating inner journey.
With the help of my dragons, my angelic and galactic team, I guide you on your healing path.
I offer you a safe, caring healing space where Self-realization, Self-reconnection can blossom in an atmosphere of peace and love.
I am a Dragonheart, Guardian of Dragons and Phoenixes.
Keeper of the sacred flame of Reiki.
Arcturean/ Pleiadian Starseed.