Healing with Isis
Healing with Isis
Golden Triangle Healing System
Goddess healing
In illness, Isis offers her knowledge, her magic , her protection , her knowledge, and quantum healing, just as she did with her husband Osiris whom she brought back to life thanks to her magical formulas, giving him the breath of life back into his body.
This treatment also aligns, clears, consolidates the aura, and activates energy circulation in all meridians as well as in all parts of the physical body and subtle bodies, which has the effect of harmonizing, balancing and recharging. all chakras.
Isis releases and heals our dark aspects and cleanses the subconscious so that new programs are put into place, transforming our thoughts and beliefs. By releasing the causes of discomfort, such as: fears, anxieties, erroneous beliefs, limitations, lack of self love and self-esteem, etc.
This powerful energy treatment activates the personal growth of the individual who receives it, while exploring all facets of the sacred feminine.
It allows a profound return to oneself as well as a liberation of feminine power.
What is the golden triangle?
The Golden Triangle healing system is a high frequency energy discovered in 1986 by James Purner. It is a ray of energy (in the shape of a triangle) which triggers personal growth, ensuring protection and help. The Golden Triangle also allows the gradual opening of our extra sensory abilities, opens the 3rd eye and the pineal gland). And many other things !