Soul Healing- Ancestral Healing-Purification of lineages - Liberation of karmas and traumas -Neutralization of negative energies-The inner child -Support in the search for your life missions - Emotional and mental purification - Heavy metals, nanotechnology, radioactivity, vaccines - Medicine for women - Protection and healing of electromagnetic disturbanceswhat
Spiritual Amnesia -Duality -Matrix Programming -Fear Programs -Trauma and Fight or Flight Programs -Personal Sabotage -Lack -Lost Souls Programs -Disempowerment -Victimization -Self Lifeacrifice -Addiction -Unhealthy relationships -Anxiety -Mental illness.
The two techniques that I mainly use, Reiki and bioenergy, are different in themselves but act on the same planes. That is to say the clearing of your 7 bodies, the clearing of your emotions, traumas, thoughts, beliefs and limiting patterns.
These memories can be traced back to your ancestors, your soul, your soul family and your past lives, to mention a few levels where programs may still be running in your subconscious and blocking your true essence and your life.
Many of us have ancestral or personal soul contracts and vows that prohibit us from:
-Remember our personal and spiritual gifts and how to use them.
-Live in perfect health.
-Remember our life mission.
-Remember why we chose to incarnate on planet Earth at this time of ascension.
-Remember how to communicate with our own guides, angels and light.
-Receiving and living an abundant life doing what we love to do.
-Believe in ourselves, in our inner wisdom, in our intuition.
-Hear our intuition and honor our intuition.
-Reconnect with our Higher Self and find and discover our own inner compass.
Bioenergy is a powerful healing technique, with lasting results.
All treatment acts on the quantum level, on all planes, in all timelines, all dimensions.
In quantum healing EVERYTHING is possible. It also acts on the multi-dimensional level, on all our other multiple Selves.
The session is carried out in several stages: an initial exchange by email on your issues, your needs, your questions.
Before the treatment I always prepare before the session.
I connect with my team of guides and yours on the best way to work and detect the different blockages in your different bodies.
Then on the day of the treatment we connect together, either by email after the session or zoom.
A report will be made either orally by Zoom/Skype, or by email.
Every session is unique and I may activate pleiadean codes ( I have been initiated to this) , or other intuitive technics / activations: toning, healing breath of Isis, Christ healing, Goddess healing.
I always ask for permission to use those initiations.
It may take several additional sessions to achieve complete balancing.
I therefore recommend 3 sessions.
A harmonization of the habitat can be necessary; if your living space presents disharmonies this will impact the lasting results of energy treatments
I have a strict code of ethics :
Respect Empathy Benevolence and Humility.
With Reiki treatments I channel Reiki energy in my own way, not using any known protocol , I work intuitively. I activate my personal and unique symbols. I also channel the energy of the dragons (white golden ray), thanks to my dragon team and my totem animals, the Royal Manta.
Thanks to these extraordinary techniques, combined with my intuition, my innate gifts and abilities received in initiation, I guide you on the path to your liberation to live in balance and be truly who you are.
Chaque séance est unique, personnalisée et peut être accompagnée par d'autres techniques intuitives et dons de naissance ( soins Pleiadiens et Arcturiens, soins par le souffle et le son avec Isis, soins Christique).
Il faudra peut-être plusieurs séances supplémentaires pour avoir un équilibrage complet.
Une harmonisation de l'habitat peut être proposée, si votre lieu de vie présente des disharmonies cela va impacter les résultats durables des soins énergétiques.